Forgot Password

All the steps in a simple video!

Not feeling like reading? Sometimes just watching a video is better.

Or Follow these easy steps

1. Go to the R-Management web page.

This is:

2. Click "Forgot password?"

Click that blue link "Forgot Password" in the right side of the "Log In" button.

3. Enter the email associated with the account and press "Reset Password"

In a few seconds (maybe minutes) you will receive an e-mail from R-Management. If you don't receive the email in a couple of minutes, please, verify that the email you wrote is correct and is the email associated with the account.

4. Receive the email sent by R-Management and "Click" the link

Just access the email and press the link.

Remember, the link will be available for just 24 hours (we know...).

5. Answer the security questions

These questions were configured at the time the account was created.

It is required that you remember the questions in order to reset your password through the portal.

If you cannot recall the answers, please, contact us at: (787) 796 - 8800.

6. Reset your password

Once the questions are answered, you will be able to set a new password.

Just write the new password in both fields and press "Save".

7. Hooray! Thats it!

Your password has been reset and you can log in using it.

8. Log in to R-Management using your new password.

Just enter the email associated with the account and the new password.

Still having problems? Give us a call!

(787) 796-8800